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The Attic Bean offers the best names and brands at prices you just can’t find anywhere in the San Francisco area. So, if you want to try out a new hobby without breaking the bank, The Attic Bean is the ideal Arts & Crafts Retailer for you.

Arts and Crafts Store


From $2.50

Feeling creative? Then our huge selection of Embellishments is just the thing. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, there’s no end to what you can create when you have the perfect assortment of materials.

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Day Stained Glass Workshop

Embroidery Threads

From $2.50

Once you start incorporating Embroidery Threads in your projects, you’ll be totally hooked. No matter how you use them, our high-quality products will be the source of endless inspiration.

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Buying Pottery

Craft Toppers

From $2.50

Whether you’re just starting off, or a seasoned pro, we carry a huge selection of Craft Toppers. If you need some help getting started, our talented staff will be delighted to share their extensive expertise.

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Arts and Crafts Store


From $2.50

Feeling creative? Then our huge selection of Embellishments is just the thing. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, there’s no end to what you can create when you have the perfect assortment of materials.

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Arts and Crafts Store


From $2.50

Feeling creative? Then our huge selection of Embellishments is just the thing. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, there’s no end to what you can create when you have the perfect assortment of materials.

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Be kind to unkind (with rope)

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